Learning National Geo Courses for Educators
Since the 20th of January, I am following another two National Geo courses. I am learning how to establish learning projects which impact the world. Their pedagogy is striking. The educators and children in the case studies literally changed the social systems and people’s awareness.
I am now on the process to create new projects with the theme of children and palliative care: what I did in 2019, Waldorf schools and hospices. I can set these into Nat Geo project-learning system.
One morning, a rather detailed vision of the coming three years - what and how I do- fell from the sky onto me, as it was a shower. It seems a very long journey. After that, I started to receive more details about what I can add and develop, which came one after another. The ideas seem brilliant if it would happen. On the other hand, I cannot believe I will manage. I do have a fear to begin.
ある朝、これから3年間のビジョン 〜何をどんなふうに行なってゆくのか〜 が、突然かなり詳細に見えました。まるで空から降るシャワーみたいな雨のように。それはとてもとても長い旅でした。その後、それらに関してもっともっと詳細な内容〜何を加えていって発展させてゆくか〜も受け取りました。それは一つひとつ、次つぎに私の中に湧いてきました。もしそのアイデアが本当に叶うなら、なんて素晴らしい。でも一方で、自分でそんなことができるなんて信じられません。始めてゆくことに不安があります。
However, after finishing the courses in the second week of March, I will start to take up at least some of these visions. In this afternoon, I got an idea even after these projects.
Nat Geo Educator courses