Creating a World-Map
This writing is my answer to an assignment (an open discussion) of Connecting Geo-Inquiry Process to Your Classroom by National Geographic. During the course, I learned that mapmaking is not only to put all data. Firstly we will recognise the fact our human society exists with a natural climate and lifecycle. We visualise then compelling storytelling of our human journey on the map.
これは、ナショナルジオグラフィックのConnecting Geo-Inquiry Process to Your Classroom の講座の中の質問(オープン・ディスカッション)に対する私の回答の一つです。この講座の中で、地図を作ることは、ただ単に調べたデータをその上に並べるだけではない、ということを学びました。私たちはまず、人間の社会が、自然の気候や生命の育みとの関連の中において存在していることを認識します。その上で、私たち人類の長い旅での心に訴えかけるストーリーを、地図として視覚化するのです。
The question is:
Why are maps an important way to convey geographic information?
Why do you think it is important for your students to think like geographers and develop explorers’ mindsets (attitudes, skills, and content knowledge pertaining to the subject you teach)?
We will make a map of compassion and happiness. We present a beautiful image of heart centred activities on the world map so that people would feel love around the world. It gives the viewers a sense of different climates, views, nature, people, buildings etc. and the way to help each other. From the world-scale vision, we think once again, what ‘helping each other’ means in our community. And we may seek better/innovative services.
Children will learn how to speak in front of people. They tell them what they learned and their desire for the future. That would become advocacy.
A map can open the way to look at the discussing issue (for my lesson, the quality and dignity of the end of life) from a broader view. Japanese people tend to see the problem in the framework of Japanese society. They try to find solutions within the framework of Japanese history and customs. In this global age, that does not work well anymore. Observing and thinking phenomenon according to the scale of the world map can change society into more international. And it is essential.