Brahms Waltzer - Mindfulness


I have made an image video of Brahms’ famous Waltzer.

For me this piece sounds a lullaby more than waltz. Therefore I combined the visual image of night and moonlight.


It has come out as a mindfulness/meditation video. It would be my pressure if the viewer could become calm down by this in very short time (just 3 minutes) during the busy day.


In deep mediations in the last weekend, I have heard and learned:


We all desire happiness. However God expects us to pray for His wish of happiness, not for my/our vision of happiness. It is a challenge given to us. How is His desired vision of the world with all of His creatures …. ?

Since then I keep thinking - if my desire is truly reflecting His intention ? If my artworks and social/educational activities are transparent and mirroring Him instead of my ambition? I am still on the path of personal development.




Yoko Kobayashi